Values & Beliefs

We recognize that art, exploration, discovery, and learning are all spiritual endeavors. We embark on learning so that we may be more and do more while knowing and loving God more.

Our Core Values


At Kingsbridge Collegiate Hall, Christ-centered means education that is deeply rooted in biblical and orthodox Christian traditions, following the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. We focus on wisdom and discipleship to form the whole person - spiritually and intellectually - preparing students to engage with the world according to God's design.

Intellectual Excellence

Intellectual excellence means developing critical thinking skills through Socratic discussions and rigorous academics, where students learn how to think rather than what to think. This approach emphasizes active engagement in learning through discussion and debate, fostering analytical skills and confident expression while challenging students to question deeply and develop intellectual curiosity.

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation happens continuously through every experience and relationship. We intentionally create an environment where students grow in Christ's image through discipleship and community. Our program cultivates wisdom and virtue through nature engagement, literature study, and meaningful dialogue, helping students discover transcendent meaning in daily life and deepen their faith.

Community Flourishing

Local community flourishing means empowering Christian communities to shape the next generation through locally-controlled education. We create an environment where families, businesses, churches, and civic institutions work together, fostering faith-based values and mutual support that impact generations.



“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-

“Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King”