Kingsbridge Collegiate provides students with a path to earn college degrees from accredited partner universities. Students complete their degrees while attending small Oxford-style tutorials led by local facilitators and mentors who are
deeply committed to Christ-centered human formation. This approach offers genuine affordability and holistic personal growth while positively impacting the local community.
We recognize that art, exploration, discovery, and learning are all spiritual endeavors. We embark on learning so that we may be more and do more while knowing and loving God more.
To awaken the intellect of young men by training the mind in the art of learning, disciplining the body for enjoyment of the highest good, and guarding the conscience against false sentiments.
We want to provide a viable alternative to value-neutral one-size-fits-all schooling. At the same time we are leading a movement away from the consolidation undermining local control of education.
Rooted in biblical and orthodox Christian traditions, we serve families and communities who hold to trinitarian Christianity. Following the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, we welcome all denominations while staying true to our commitment to Jesus Christ and the Church's heritage.
Unlike conventional universities that rely strictly on lectures, we utilize intimate Oxford-style tutorials led by local Christian mentors within community spaces. This mentor-led model combines academic rigor with spiritual formation, integrating faith and learning across all subjects while keeping education locally governed. Students receive personalized attention that fosters deep understanding and critical thinking.
The Oxford-style tutorial model, as implemented at Christian Halls International, is characterized by:
Intimate discussions between tutors and small groups of students
A system of local Tutors and Fellows working with small student cohorts
Benefits including:
Intimate Christian discipleship
Long-lasting inter-generational friendships
Integration into local community life
Customized learning outcomes for specific regions and cultures
Research shows this tutorial-based approach is highly effective, with tutored students performing two standard deviations better than those in conventional instruction methods - equivalent to jumping from a C to an A grade (Bloom, 2006).
Tutorials occur at various locations throughout the Miami Valley.
Growth and Transformation
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”