Students must meet the admissions requirements of the university partner.
Available programs include Bible College or Seminary Programs, Work-study apprenticeships/trade school, and Teacher Colleges or Honors College.
College Credit Plus is an opportunity available to all 7-12 grade students who are accepted into theprogram by a college or university granted a Certificate of Authorization by the State of Ohio.Southeastern University and Indian Wesleyan, both partner universities, have Certificate of Authorization.Students attending a private high school and homeschool students must apply to the Ohio Department of Education in order to receive funding for courses. Please check the main College Credit Plus page for information, forms and updates.”ORC 3365.02, 3365.03OAC 3333-1-65.8
This varies depending on the school and degree, but it can range from $100/credit for GenEd dual enrollment to $450/credit for graduate level courses. Some schools may have additional fees. Students typically need to acquire textbooks as well.
Partner Universities SEU and IWU have both been granted a Certificate of Authorization to offer a degree program in Ohio making them eligible for College Credit Plus. These programs might not be included in the Ohio Transfer to Degree Guarantee.
This varies depending on the Hall and the specific course, but ideally this ranges between 5 to 8.
CHI vets the university partners, ensuring proper accreditation as well as alignment with biblical, trinitarian apostolic, and orthodox teaching.
Students are fully enrolled in the partner university, so any of their academic advising, counseling, or other resources available from the school are available to CHI students. Halls that want more robust support for their students need to build that into their programming.
The Tutor’s role is to connect course content with big questions about meaning, purpose, and God’s design.
Extracurriculars are not part of the program. However, unlike most online programs, students are part of a cohort that interacts regularly through the tutorials. In Ohio, students taking advantage of dual enrolment, whose parents reside in Ohio, have a participation opportunity – not a guarantee – at the public school the student is entitled to attend pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3313.64 or 3313.65 if their non-public school doesn’t provide such opportunity.
Parents of minors must sign a consent form and enroll students in classes. They may attend tutorials with their child if they wish.
Students receive grades and other assessments through the university partners. Students are responsible for reporting this information to their secondary school in order to receive dual credit.
This will vary depending on the program. Students who complete an accredited degree program enjoy opportunities commensurate with traditional students from these programs. Vocational training is a key aspect of this, however, the ultimate goal is to prepare individuals for life both in this world and in the world to come, nurturing them within their families and faith communities to worship God and interact with the world according to divine design and commands.
This varies from school to school and also by program. GenEd courses tend to have more offerings while individual programs tend to be more rigid in terms of scheduling and course availability.
Background checks and ratios of three are mandatory - If a Tutor and student need to meet outside of class, their parent, another Tutor, or the Director will be present.
No, however, Christian Halls is firmly positioned within the long tradition of biblical, apostolic, and orthodox thought, and seeks to serve those families and communities who hold to biblical, trinitarian, and orthodox Christianity.
In theory yes, but if the student is pursuing a degree program, courses from other schools and programs may not apply towards the degree.
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”